28 Apr 2023 / Shubhashish Homes

Why Young Married Couples Prefer Gated Community Living Over Individual Homes

Why Young Married Couples Prefer Gated Community Living Over Individual Homes

In recent years, gated community living has become increasingly popular among young married couples. A gated community is a residential complex that is enclosed within a secure boundary, providing residents with a sense of privacy and security. This trend has been observed not only in India but also in other countries. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why young married couples are choosing gated community living over individual homes and why it makes sense for them.

Security and Safety

One of the main reasons why young married couples prefer gated community living is security. Gated communities provide a secure environment for residents with controlled entry and exit points. This means that strangers cannot easily enter the community, reducing the risk of burglary, theft, or other crimes. In this regard, Shubhashish Homes offers its residents a 3-tier double gated security system wherein no one can even enter without the permission of the respected resident. And, all this happens with the help of an application called MyGate.


Gated communities also offer a wide range of amenities that individual homes cannot match. These amenities include parks, gyms, swimming pools, playgrounds, and community halls, among others. Young couples can enjoy these amenities without having to go far from their homes. Furthermore, these amenities are well-maintained and managed by the gated community, ensuring that they are always available and in good condition. This aspect of gated community living is particularly appealing to young couples who want to have a balanced lifestyle and spend quality time with their families. However, Shubhashish Homes offers clubhouses as well as a central park, EV charging points for each unit, a smart water meter and many more.

Sense of Community

Another reason why young couples choose gated community living is the sense of community that it provides. Gated communities often have a strong sense of community, with residents knowing and interacting with each other regularly. This creates a feeling of belonging and enhances social interactions, which is especially important for young couples who are starting a family and want to make connections with like-minded people. Additionally, gated communities like Shubhashish Homes often organise social events and activities for residents, creating opportunities for young couples to meet and socialise.

Maintenance and Management

Gated communities offer a unique advantage when it comes to maintenance and management. The upkeep of amenities and common areas is the responsibility of the gated community, meaning that young couples do not have to worry about the maintenance of their homes. This aspect is particularly important for young couples who are busy with their careers and do not have the time or resources to maintain their homes. Moreover, Shubhashish Homes has a professional management team that handles administrative tasks and resolves maintenance issues that may arise.

Shubhashish Homes - A Double-Gated Community Living

Shubhashish Homes is a gated community located in Jaipur, India. The community offers a range of amenities, including clubhouses, swimming pools, EV charging points for each unit, smart home fixtures, and landscaped gardens. The community also has a strong sense of community, with regular social events and activities organised for residents. Additionally, Shubhashish Homes has a professional, dedicated team that takes care of the maintenance and management of the community. So, Live the Resort Lifestyle Daily!


In conclusion, gated community living offers many advantages for young married couples, including security, amenities, a sense of community, and maintenance and management. These benefits make it an appealing option for young couples who want a safe and comfortable environment to start their family. Shubhashish Homes is an excellent example of a double-gated community that provides all of these benefits and much more, making it a great option for young couples who are looking for a high-quality living experience.