26 Apr 2023 / Shubhashish Homes

Empowering Women Homebuyers in India: The Advantages of Being a Woman Homebuyer

Empowering Women Homebuyers in India: The Advantages of Being a Woman Homebuyer

In India, homeownership has traditionally been seen as a male-dominated domain. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend of women breaking the mould and taking charge of their financial future by investing in property. And while there are certainly challenges and obstacles that women face in the real estate market, there are also many advantages to being a woman homebuyer in India. In this blog, we will explore the unique benefits of being a woman homebuyer and how Shubhashish Homes is empowering women to take the leap into homeownership.

Lower Interest Rates on Home Loans

One of the most significant advantages of being a woman homebuyer in India is the lower interest rates on home loans. Many banks and financial institutions offer special programmes and discounts on home loans for women. These discounts can range from 0.05% to 0.10% and can add up to significant savings over the life of the loan.

At Shubhashish Homes, we recognise the importance of providing several housing options for women. That's why we partner with banks and financial institutions that offer special home loan schemes for women to make homeownership more accessible.

Tax Benefits

Another advantage of being a woman homebuyer in India is the tax benefits available. Women who purchase property are eligible for several tax deductions, including deductions on the principal amount, interest paid on the home loan, and stamp duty and registration charges.

In addition, Shubhashish Homes believes in making the homebuying process as transparent and straightforward as possible. Our team of experts works closely with women homebuyers to ensure they understand all the tax benefits available to them and how to take advantage of them.

Priority in Property Allocation

In some cases, women homebuyers may be given priority in property allocation. For example, some government housing programmes reserve a certain percentage of units for women. Additionally, many developers offer special discounts and incentives for women homebuyers to encourage them to invest in property.

Furthermore, we believe in creating equal opportunities for all homebuyers. However, we also recognise the unique challenges that women face in the real estate market. That's why we offer exclusive deals and incentives for women homebuyers to ensure they have access to the same opportunities as their male counterparts.

Safe and Secure Communities

For many women, safety and security are top priorities when it comes to choosing a home. As a woman homebuyer, you may be more likely to prioritise these factors when selecting a property. Fortunately, many developers are recognising the importance of creating safe and secure communities for their residents.

At Shubhashish Homes, we take the safety and security of our residents very seriously. Our properties are located in safe and well-connected neighbourhoods, and we provide round-the-clock security to ensure our residents feel safe and secure in their homes.

Empowering Women to Invest in Their Future

Perhaps the most significant advantage of being a woman homebuyer in India is the opportunity to take charge of your financial future. By investing in property, women can create long-term wealth and financial stability for themselves and their families. Additionally, owning a home can provide a sense of pride and accomplishment that can be empowering for women.

Here, we believe in empowering women to take control of their financial futures. That's why we offer personalised guidance and support to women homebuyers throughout the entire home-buying process. From selecting the right property to securing financing, we are there every step of the way to help women achieve their homeownership goals.


In conclusion, being a woman homebuyer in India comes with many advantages, and Shubhashish Homes is committed to helping women take advantage of them. We believe in creating equal opportunities for all homebuyers, regardless of gender, and we commit to providing safe and secure communities where our residents can thrive. If you are a woman looking to invest in property, we invite you to explore our properties and discover how we can help you achieve your homeownership goals.